Other People’s IP: New Disclosures

Invention: “Digital Security Bubble”

Filing Date: July 15, 2013

Publication Date: January 7, 2014

Description: The system outlined in this patent is intended for use on a variety of digital devices, and is meant to increase security surrounding personal information people store on their device, or information they share or receive with other individuals. Specifically, the inventor explains that the digital security bubble is achieved through a processor designed to: request a public key and a device identifier from at least one participant in a communication; encrypt messages using a symmetric key; encrypt the symmetric key with another public key received in response to a generated request; group these previous steps in an encapsulation designed to be a digital security bubble; and transmit the entire bubble to a second server. Furthermore, the processor is coupled to a memory, which is configured to provide the processor with instructions that enable the whole system to function effectively.

The system’s designers state that this system was designed in response to the increasing public desires for privacy and confidentiality related to digital records and communications. The designers stress that while the complex multi-layered system is more effective than other current security software, it is also ultimately simpler and more straightforward to use. The designers assert that this ease is essential to effective security software, as many people do not actually consistently use security software because it can be “tedious” or “cumbersome.”

Click HERE for the full patent application

Featured Image Information
Creator: “jeff_golden”
Copyright: Creative Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

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